
How can I adjust the output on my fx-82?

The default setting of a CASIO fx-82 is for ‘natural’ mathematical input and output. This means that you can input your calculations in the same way that you would write them, and that the output is provided in a similar way.

fx-82 Mathematical Output

The setting for mathematical output means that answers are given in fractional form, even when we might expect them not to be.

fx-82 Mathematical Output

When using the current fx-82AU PLUS, the calculator can be set to LineO, meaning that fractional outputs only occur when fractional inputs are given.

To change to LineO, press w and make sure you are in COMP mode by pressing 1.

Now press q and then w to enter the SET UP.

Choose MthIO by pressing 1. You should now have a choice between MathsO and LineO. Press 2 for LineO.

fx-82 Mathematical Output

The screen shots below illustrate the output when the fx-82 is set to LineO

fx-82 Mathematical Output

Note: Older models of fx-82AU PLUS do not have the option of LineO

Category: fx-82AU Plus II 2nd Edition