CASIO DF120FM Desktop Calculator | CASIO Education

CASIO DF120FM Desktop Calculator


Casio 12 digit desktop calculator


Desktop Type
12 digits

Tax calculation:

Automatic calculation of price plus tax, price less tax, discount, selling price, tax amount, discount amount, and margin amount.


Calculate the cost, selling price, or margin of profit on an item, given the other two values.

Solar & Battery:

Solar powered when light is sufficient, battery powered when light is insufficient.

Function command signs:

A symbol (+, -, ×, ÷) on the display indicates the status of operation you are currently performing.

Rounding selector:

F: Floating decimals. CUT: Values are cut off. UP: Values are rounded up. 5/4: Values are rounded off.

Decimal selector:

4,3,2,1,0 : Specifies the number of decimal places as 4,3,2,1,0. ADD2: 2 decimal places are assumed for entries and results of all addition and subtraction operations.

Key rollover:

Key operations are stored in a buffer, so nothing is lost even during high-speed input.

Extra Large display:

Larger display makes more data easier to read.

Plastic keys:

Designed and engineered for easy operation.

Profit margin percent:

” % ” key gives quick access to prices and profits, and also delivers add-ons, discounts, ratios and increase/decrease values.

Metal Faceplate:

Tough cover stands up to rough treatment.

Size of case / Total weight

  • Dimensions (D × W × H): 179×126×30.9mm
  • Weight: 180g

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg
Dimensions 12 × 19.4 × 8.6 cm

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