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DOGBALL 2.0 – A Study of Bounce – Part 1

Dogball is an enigma. The bouncy toy exterior hides a rich yet accessible modelling task within; a delicious intersection of maths and science, a potential PSMT/Folio task for Stage 1 Mathematical Methods featuring low floor, high ceiling and room for unique student responses, and just a great bit of maths.

Dogball, and the modelling task he inspires, is introduced via a short video. The related data is included as a CSV file. Instructions on how to import CSV data into a Casio CG50 AU graphics calculator or into the Casio fx-CG Manager Plus.

The complete Dogball 2.0 task data is available from the below links;

The Dogball 2.0 Task – Dogball Folio task

CSV File to Upload to you fx-CG50AU – Dogball 2.0 Part 1 CSV Data file

CSV Import instructions for your fx-CG50AU Handheld/Emulator – Importing a CSV on CG50AU with PC or Mac

Also included are “how to…” videos demonstrating some of the functionality of a CG50AU that could be of use in completing the Dogball modelling task.