
Seeing doubleNEW 

These resources provide a dynamic way to introduce and understand the Distributive Law of Multiplication and the Perfect Square Identity. Similar in structure, they use animation to explain the difference between a variable and a constant, and then move on …

How to use the fx-8200 AU emulatorNEW 

Your step-by-guide on using the fx-8200 AU web-based emulator software, available on classpad.net. Kicking off from code activation, this video covers how to navigate the classpad.net website, finding where to use your emulator and the different features available to resize …

How to calculate with trigonometryNEW 

Use the Calculate app to perform trigonometric calculations in degree and radians and make changes to angle settings.   Next up >> How to work with angles in degrees, minutes, and seconds

How to calculate with fractionsNEW 

A range of calculations with fractions and their conversions into other formats can be performed using the calculate app on the fx-8200 AU. This short video will take you through calculating with fractions, converting fractional forms, and editing fractional input. …

How to calculate with surdsNEW 

Using the calculate app of the fx-8200 AU, this short video takes you through how to calculate with surds, with exact and approximate results. This videos includes how to; Evaluate a surd expressions Simplifying a surd And setting the number …