
A new NSW school curriculum from 2024

A New NSW School Curriculum From 2024

A new NSW school curriculum

The NSW Government Response (PDF, 629KB) to the NSW Curriculum Review outlines an ambitious program for streamlining and strengthening what is taught in our schools over the next four years.

Timeline for reform

New NSW school curriculum timeline 2022-2024 covers K-2 English and Maths syllabuses, more teaching time and new learning areas.

Reform timeframe

Reform activities include:

  • building strong foundations for future learning by 2022 with new English and Mathematics syllabuses for Kindergarten to Year 2
  • more time for teaching by 2022 by reducing the hours teachers spend on extra-curricular topics and issues and compliance requirements
  • strengthening post school pathways by 2022 with new learning areas for Years 11 and 12 that clearly link learning to future employment and study options
  • a new curriculum from 2024 with new syllabuses focused on what is essential to know and do in early and middle years of schooling, and key learning areas in the senior years.

Reform implementation includes:

  • planning and scoping reform activities
  • developing new syllabuses
  • consultation with teachers and other key education stakeholders
  • professional development to support teachers to implement the new curriculum.

NESA is working closely with the education sectors and other key stakeholders to ensure that reform activities:

  • involve teachers in all implementation phases of the new curriculum
  • develop systems that align curriculum, assessment and reporting, and teacher professional development.

NESA will also provide support to ensure effective understanding and implementation of changes that result from reform activities.

Read the NSW Government Response (PDF, 629KB).

Existing NSW curriculum

Teachers and schools should continue to use current NSW syllabuses as the basis of teaching and learning.

Further planning regarding the implementation of curriculum reforms will include a transition plan between current syllabuses and any new syllabuses.


For any further information regarding changes to the NSW Curriculum, please visit NSW Curriculum Review.